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Heroes and villains plus size costumes

Heroes & Villains

Good or Bad? Black or White? Pick your side then pick your costume, we have a great range of goody and baddy plus size costumes just for you. Or if you can't make your mind up, why not buy one of each and go with the flow, it's sooo boring being good all the time.....
1920's Gangster Costume (ILFD4027)
£26.95 £28.95
Up to 50" chest
1920's Zoot Suit Costume (44891
From: £32.95 £36.95
Up to 48" chest
Batman  Muscle Chest Costume
£52.95 £54.95
Up to 50" chest
Batman Brave & Bold Costume
£46.95 £49.95
Up to 50" chest
Batman Muscle Chest Costume
£46.95 £49.95
Up to 50" chest
Beer Man Costume
£38.95 £42.95
Up to 46" chest
Black Unisex Sequin Tailcoat
£22.95 £23.95
Size Up to size 24 - 56" chest
Burglar/Thief Costume
£24.95 £26.95
up to 48" chest
Burglar/Thief Costume (EM3190)
£25.95 £27.95
up to 48" chest
Dalmatian Suit (ILFD4579)
£32.95 £35.95
Up to 48" chest
Gold Pinstripe Gangster Suit Costume
£35.96 £44.95
46-48" chest
Green  Unisex Sequin Tailcoat
£22.95 £23.95
Size Up to size 24 - 56" chest
Hannibal Lecter Costume
£32.95 £34.95
Up to 48" chest
Jailbird Con Prisoner Costume (FANC12163)
£19.95 £23.95
Up to 52" chest
Joe Exotic  Tiger King Costume
£38.95 £42.95
Up to 52" chest
Joe Exotic Convict Costume
£29.95 £36.95
Up to 52" chest
Joe Exotic Tiger King Shirt
£19.95 £21.95
Up to 48" chest
Joker Costume
£39.95 £46.95
Up to 50" chest
Red Unisex Sequin Tailcoat
£22.95 £23.95
Size Up to size 24 - 56" chest
Roaring 20's Gent Costume (50724)
£44.95 £46.95
Up to 48" chest
Robin Hood  Lady Costume (FANC12554)
£46.95 £48.95
Up to size 20
Robin Hood Costume (EM3087)
£34.95 £38.95
Robin Muscle Chest Costume
£46.95 £49.95
Up to 50" chest
Robin Of The Woods Costume (01444)
£40.46 £46.95
Size 18-20
Sequin Tailcoat - Columbia Rocky Horror Show Costume
£24.95 £26.95
Size Up to size 24 - 56" chest
Sexy Factory Worker Dress- Oompa Loompa
£34.95 £36.95
Up to size 22
Silver Unisex Sequin Tailcoat (1)
£22.95 £23.95
Size Up to size 24 - 56" chest
Superman Muscle Chest Costume
£46.95 £49.95
Up to 50" chest
The Flash Muscle Chest Costume
£46.95 £49.95
Up to 50" chest
Plus size and XL 60's 70's hippie fancy dress costumes